How to Get a JAMB Profile Code in 2022 for JAMB Registration
• In order to register for JAMB, you must first obtain your NIN
The NIN Space NIN Number can be texted to 55019 or 66019. To put it another way, SMS your NIN number to 55019 or 66019 if it is 12367801207. A working phone number is required. (Note that the NIN and the number should be separated by a space.)
• If you don’t know your NIN number, send the text “SURNAME FIRST NAME OTHER NAME” to 55019 or 66019.
• After sending the message, you will receive an email from JAMB with your JAMB profile code (The profile code is ten digits e.g. 4857209334).
• The mail will also include your FULL NAME as it appeared when you signed up for NIN.
NOTE: Only one phone number can be used to obtain a candidate’s JAMB profile code. Also, make sure you choose a phone number that is easy to remember.
Is it possible to get my Jamb Profile Code using the same phone number that I used last year?
Yes, as long as you meet the criteria given below, you can use the same phone number as last year.
• For JAMB registrations, only the same candidate can re-use a previously used number.
• A new e-PIN will be issued to the candidate who is using his or her old number for the second or third time, using the same profile code.
• If the candidate forgets his or her Profile Code, he or she can receive the Old Profile Code by texting RESEND to 55019.
Because this Profile is already tied to that number, utilizing CORRECT on this current number will not allow the candidate to change their name.
It states, “Unable to process your request at this time.” Please come back later and try again. What should I do if the message “(nin verification)” appears?
You must link your SIM card to your NIN in order to receive the profile code on your phone.
Even if you’ve already linked your SIM, you should do so again to acquire your profile code more quickly.
Note: Do not use a SIM card that has been previously used by someone else, such as your mother or father. It’s up to you to make the connection. This implies that the SIM must be yours.